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Google Classroom Updates

Google Classroom released new updates this week! -Rearrange classroom tiles on your homepage -Access all Google Apps while inside Classroom -Transfer ownership to other teachers Check out additional updates here !
Recent posts

Writing to Learn - from Edutopia

Edutopia published a wonderful blog post: Low-Stakes Writing: Writing to Learn, Not Learning to Write This blog post gives practical ideas for incorporating writing across the day at any grade level and in any content area. The goal for writing is to get kids writing as much as possible - so much, that it is near impossible to keep up with them!  The more they write and publish to an authentic audience, the more authentic feedback they can receive. All of the ideas in the blog post align to and can be combined with our district's writing supplemental resource: The Common Core Writing Book (K-5) The Common Core Writing Book (6-8) If you do not have a copy of the book for your grade level, please contact the Teaching, Learning and Innovation Department to get a copy. Want to start implementing, but not sure where to start?  Check with your building's instructional coach!  Your instructional coach is there to assist you and provide support as you look to incoropor...

New Google Sites Updates

Google released the New Google Sites platform and with it an easier way to create Google Sites with your district Google account.  Google is continuing to take feedback and add new features previously found in the old sites platform. The latest update - now you can copy sections from one page to another.  You can also duplicate sections on the same page for easier editing. Check's page for a video on how to activate both of these features. If you are attending our Summer Tech Academy next week, there are two sessions on Tuesday and Friday dedicated to the new Google Sites platform.

Lights! Camera! Innovate! 2017 Summer Tech Academy

CCSD93 is proud to introduce the 2017 Summer Technology Academy! STA will be held at Jay Stream Middle School and the hours will be from 8:00am - 3:30pm with a 40 minute lunch. Our theme this year is “Lights! Camera! Innovate!”  The Summer Technology Academy Course Catalog is posted on CurTech93. You can find it on the Summer Technology Academy tab. Most courses in the catalog will be repeated at both tech academies, but check the schedule to make sure.   As we continue to confirm more courses, the catalog may change, so please keep checking back for any updates.  This year, attendance at the full week of STA will earn CCSD93 licensed teaching staff 6 in-house graduate credit hours. Partial attendance will earn LEAD hours equivalent to the amount of instructional hours attended. CSSSA Paraprofessionals must submit for pre-approval in My Learning Plan and will be able to earn PD points with their attendance. Out of district attendees will earn hours for re-certif...

April Editions of CAPTURE THE CORE

The April editions of “Capture the Core” are available on the ISBE website. Articles this month focus on rubrics as learning tools, ELA Standard 6, and “Teachers as Facilitators.” The "Teachers as Facil i tators" sections offer some great insight into the new science standards and the new upcoming social science standards. If you would like to read past editions of “Capture the Core” click on THIS LINK. K-2 April Edition 3-5 April Edition 6-8 April Edition

Seesaw + Google Suite

Seesaw and Google have partnered to offer GSuite for Education integration in Seesaw!  The integration works across all devices (iPad and MacBook). Students and teachers can now access and post items from Drive including Docs, Slides and Forms. Check out the full range of updates and a tutorial video linked here Also be sure to follow Seesaw on Twitter (@seesaw) for updates, support and sharing the amazing things you and your students are doing with Seesaw. Note - Student iPad users should see the app automatically update over the next two days.  If the app does not appear to be updated, please check with your Helpdesk representative for assistance.

Capture the Core

"Capture the Core" is a publication of the Illinois State Board of Education Statewide System of Support Content Specialists. There are specific editions for different grade level spans - one for K-2, one for 3-5, and one for 6-8.  Each of those editions are linked below. The topics for this month include looking at Language Standard 5, Mathematical Practice Standard #3, NGSS Dimension #2 (Crosscutting Concepts), and Classroom Brain Breaks. Take a few minutes to browse through these publications and grow your understanding of the standards for the benefit of your students. Each month that these are published we will post them here on the CurTech93 Blog. If you are interested in reading previous issues, you can access them HERE .    February 2017 K-2 February 2017 3-5 February 2017 6-8