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Showing posts from February, 2016

Discovery Education - SOS!

Discovery Education - SOS! Discovery Education has an incredible resource called SOS! SOS stands for “Spotlight on Strategies.” The strategies can be used with their videos and other technology, but they do not have to be used in that way. They have over 100 strategies! Some of them you may be familiar with, some you may have forgotten, and some may be entirely new to you. Check it out! Log into Discovery Ed and then look at the black toolbar along the top. Find “professional development” and click on that. Now you will be on a page that offers a variety of professional development (we will look at that next week!). Click on the SOS picture:   This will take you to a page that lists a number of strategies by category. Choose one of them and you will have the option to read a brief description, watch a video describing the strategy, print out a pdf of the strategy, or choose another strategy in the same category. At the bottom of each SOS page, there is an opportun...