First graders at Carol Stream School are using the Popplet Lite app in reading to create their concept maps! Last week they were reading "Sam, Come Back" and discussing their essential question which was: “What do pets need?” Based on the story, the class worked together to brainstorm what pets need. Their teacher used those ideas to create a concept map on the classroom whiteboard, then students set to work creating the same concept map on their iPads using Popplet Lite. Last, the students spent some time adding pictures from their story that matched the words in their concept map. When the concept maps are finished, students will save the map to their photo roll and upload it to their Google Drive. This will enable them to refer back to those maps and to share them with their families. The first grades will be creating concept maps with each unit, building their ability to make use of the app more independently each week, and will be able to use the concept maps to look...