District Collaboration Sessions 1-3 have focused on the work the ELA Committee completed during Summer 2014 and writing. Writing can, and should, be found in any content area at any time. Writing is no longer a sub-class of ELA taught once during the school day and never addressed again.
What does this look like for the non-traditional classroom? Physical Development/Health, Visual Arts, Music, Drama and Dance all include elements of writing within the curriculum. The CurTech93 Blog will feature different exploratory classes from around the district that are incorporating writing into activities.
Cloverdale School
Elementary students at Cloverdale School are setting goals, reflecting and writing using stations during Physical Development.
Students are divided into smaller groups (there are usually two full classrooms in the gym at the same time).
Prompts are posted on a large pieces of butcher block paper with wordles of key vocabulary terms or clarifying statements around the gym.
Each station has a small box of strips of paper, pens and pencils.
Students read the prompt and wordle, and write their responses or complete the statement on the small strips of paper.
Student groups rotate through the stations, with only a few minutes at each prompt. All prompts are posted on the papers.
Students complete this process in 20 minutes or less, leaving time for a physical activity within the unit of instruction.
Students are able to set goals, reflect and answer questions while teachers are able to formatively assess and incorporate writing into the Physical Development Class.
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