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Showing posts from 2014

Common Core, Student Engagement and Collaboration - Oh My!

Common core math standards, student engagement and collaboration - oh my! During a recent visit to a 4th grade classroom, students were demonstrating their knowledge of the common core math standard “solving multiple step word problems” (OA.A.3) by working in small groups and explaining their thinking as they worked. Each student in the group received a short word problem that required multiple steps to solve it. As each student read their word problem out loud, the other members of their group listened closely, asked for clarification when needed, and worked on solving the story on a whiteboard - while working out loud. The group came to agreement about the solving of the story. If students had differing answers, they discussed them and ultimately decided on the correct answer. When one word problem was solved, the group then proceeded to work on the next word problem. Students were engaged with the content and with each other. Students were talking with each other, asking each...

Writing Across the Content Areas - Physical Development/Health

District Collaboration Sessions 1-3 have focused on the work the ELA Committee completed during Summer 2014 and writing.  Writing can, and should, be found in any content area at any time.  Writing is no longer a sub-class of ELA taught once during the school day and never addressed again. What does this look like for the non-traditional classroom?  Physical Development/Health, Visual Arts, Music, Drama and Dance all include elements of writing within the curriculum.  The CurTech93 Blog will feature different exploratory classes from around the district that are incorporating writing into activities. Cloverdale School Elementary students at Cloverdale School are setting goals, reflecting and writing using stations during Physical Development. Students are divided into smaller groups (there are usually two full classrooms in the gym at the same time). Prompts are posted on a large pieces of butcher block paper with wordles of key vocabulary terms or c...

Interactive Padlets in Art

Elementary art classes have been experiencing art in a new and interactive way!  Elementary students at Elsie Johnson School and Western Trails School have been using Padlets to view different forms of art, elements of art, and art from around the world.  Students are able to explore and extend their learning on a project at their own pace.  Students can also be introduced to the next unit prior to the start of class, allowing them time to explore and bring questions on day one of the new unit.  This opens the world of art for students to see different art forms, explore at their own pace and see the elements of art up-close and personal. Consider adding interactive Padlets to your class to help students extend their learning! Elsie Johnson: 3rd Grade Still Life Drawings 4th Grade Linear Perspective 5th Grade Leonardo daVinci

Thinking About Using iBooks Author?

A number of people got excited about using iBooks Author while attending Tech Academy last summer. Here is a link to a fabulous blog that speaks of making not just a book - but an EXPERIENCE - using iBooks Author! If you want to try something like this, fill out the PLS on Curtech93 and Becky or Karen will be happy to work with you! Page Spreads in iBooks Author

Using the DOODLE BUDDY APP in Math

Some classes are creating subtraction number stories using the Doodle Buddy App! Students use the stamps in Doodle Buddy to create the picture of their story and then use the pen in the app to cross out stamps and write their number sentence. Students can then take a screen shot and put it in their google drive to share with their teacher. Take it one step further! Have students put their Doodle Buddy picture in Explain Everything, Educreations, Tell About This or Write About This so that they can record their explanation of their number story. Now teachers have evidence of the student’s thinking and can plan for the next step in moving that student along in their understanding of mathematical concepts! Works great for addition number stories, too! Model creating number stories with whole class Students work independently or collaboratively to create number stories Students take screen shot to save their work

Help Students Read Like Writers

Follow the link below to a fabulous blog article by Mary Tarashuk about helping students to read like writers. This speaks specifically to teachers of middle school, but is applicable to all grades teaching students to write - in other words, everyone! Enjoy! Help Students Read Like Writers article

Math and the Number Frames App

Students are using the Number Frames App to help solidify their understanding of number and their understanding of the 10 frame as a mathematical tool.   In kindergarten, the students were working on the rug with their iPads while the teacher was modeling on the whiteboard. The teacher had a 10 frame on the board and filled it in. Students were to copy what the teacher did, using their Number Frames app. Then, students were to write the number that matched the 10 frame model. There was plenty of adult support in the classroom to make sure students filled in their 10 frame correctly. It was also a great opportunity to model and practice correct number writing in an authentic way. After students participated in this guided practice lesson, they had the opportunity to practice building 10 frame numbers at their level of understanding. Students could also be given the opportunity to work with 10 frames independently during math centers. If you would like more information ab...

Using Popplet in 1st Grade

First graders at Carol Stream School are using the Popplet Lite app in reading to create their concept maps! Last week they were reading "Sam, Come Back" and discussing their essential question which was: “What do pets need?” Based on the story, the class worked together to brainstorm what pets need. Their teacher used those ideas to create a concept map on the classroom whiteboard, then students set to work creating the same concept map on their iPads using Popplet Lite. Last, the students spent some time adding pictures from their story that matched the words in their concept map. When the concept maps are finished, students will save the map to their photo roll and upload it to their Google Drive. This will enable them to refer back to those maps and to share them with their families. The first grades will be creating concept maps with each unit, building their ability to make use of the app more independently each week, and will be able to use the concept maps to look...

Engaging Students

This is an excellent article from Edutopia!  The author spoke with students and asked them what keeps them engaged in the classroom.  Our students have amazing ideas and can help guide our instruction! Check out the article on Edutopia here , and leave a comment!

Getting Above the Line with SAMR - Article

This is a great article about teaching above the line with SAMR!  Remember, technology is a tool, not the instruction.  Using technology does not mean you are automatically above the line.  How you use technology to enhance instruction and student learning takes you above the line! Contact Karen and Becky if you would like more help taking lessons above the SAMR line this year! Using SAMR to Teach Above the Line

Formative Assessment

Follow this link to a fabulous article about formative assessment!  The article is from Edutopia and is titled:  Dipsticks: Efficient Ways to Check for Understanding .  Observation IS a key practice in formative assessment. Connect to this link, and if the article inspires you to try something new this year with formative assessment - do it! If you would like support while trying it or while planning what you want to do, please contact Becky or Karen or complete the PLS form.  We look forward to supporting you!

Technology Transforming Teaching

This is an excellent blog site - Learning and Sharing with Ms. Lirenman.  She is a 1st grade teacher from Canada who is reflecting on how technology has changed her teaching practices and student learning and engagement. Thoughts?  Leave a comment! :) Learning and Sharing with Ms. Lirenman


Welcome to the CCSD93 Curriculum and Technology blog! We hope to blog regularly about what is happening around CCSD93 so that all students can benefit from the fantastic learning opportunities that are taking place.